Thursday, November 1, 2007

Blackout tomorrow. This "cracka" will be part of the boycott

Although I think the civil rights leaders are sometimes mis-guided, even devisive, I think they are right on the money on this one.

I have noticed over the last few years, a massive resurgence of racism. After the shock of 9/11 wore off, some small minded induhviduals have started spewing their hatred more openly. Let me reiterate that, more openly. When hatred is bubbling right below the surface, any little thing can make it boil over. In this instance I think it has been the rabid lies, misinformation, and blind arrogance of the conservative institution.

Conservatives talk about being "compassionate", yet on their watch we have outsourced jobs, decaying education, exploding debt, human rights violations, mismanaged wars, and millions of Americans without health insurance. The cherry on top is the resurgence of racism.

Join me tomorrow by boycotting all spending. No gas, groceries, eating out, clubbing, etc. Let us send a message to Washington and every state that we will not sit idly by while they ignore the storm on the horizon.